Do you consider yourself someone who wants peace on this planet?
Are you someone who wants to experience more calm and ease in life?
Would you like to enjoy life a lot more?
This course will guide you in creating an entirely new approach to coping with the disturbance that occurs when life happens. Rather than reacting as a victim, you will learn to respond and Lift Up into your creative, spiritual intelligence. Learn to source from peace and engage with wisdom. Life is way more fun this way.
In my more than 30 years of serving people as a mentor, teacher and coach, sharing an abundance of practical spiritual tools, I have discovered that learning to calm down is the most powerful life skill a person can employ.
If you are wound up like a top, crunchy and driven, there is no space for creativity, wonder or joy. If you are spinning, spinning, spinning, from outside forces there is no quiet to hear your inner wisdom guide you. You live as a victim to stress and life is, quite frankly miserable. You probably aren’t much fun to be with either.
When we can Calm Down Lift Up, we have access to the well of our being, which is filled with tools and resources available for us to navigate the moment.
We calm down so we can lift UP.
What does that mean? When we are calm, present to this very moment, we are our most creative, resourceful self. As a result we have access to joy and peace regardless of outer circumstances and become more facile in navigating our circumstances with creativity, resilience and wisdom.
I have turned my lifetime of experience into a simple-to-use, easy-to-follow course for you. Let me guide you to what is useful, practical, and transformative.
If you follow this roadmap, you'll have a great foundation of understanding. And more than that, you will have the tools you need to choose peace.
The program contains:
- 10 MP3 audio lessons
- 7 video lessons
- 4 guided meditations designed to support you in coming to peace, Calming Down and Lifting Up.
- A 52-page pdf workbook containing adjunct material for every lesson. I suggest you listen to the audio lesson and read the related book chapter at the same time. These book chapters contain suggested activities you may choose to engage in to deepen the learning.
- Subscription to Living by Design Tips eZine delivered every other week.
- Plus additional bonuses to enhance your learning.
Joy is present here and now. My aim is to help you let go of stress by moving into calm, accessing your power to create a life you love, one breath at a time. Let’s go for Joy as you learn to Calm Down and Lift Up.
Your Instructor
My life is dedicated to guiding people in transforming their lives by adopting a practical spiritual approach to living while creating a life they love.
I have devoted most of my professional life to serving as a mentor, teacher and coach. For more than 30 years I have been helping people personally, professionally and in their relationships, create joyful lives, guiding them to live by design rather than by default. Well, even more than that — living in joy regardless of circumstances.
When I first went into coaching I called myself a joyologist. That was decades before the happiness movement. Why? Because joy is nourishing, always present and can be used as a guiding mechanism in creating a life we love.
Your success is my joy. I’m just like that. When you go Up, I go Up. It’s nourishing for me. I like seeing other people win and be happy.
To find out more about my work please visit my website:
The award–winning book, Life Happens: What Are YOU Going to Do About It? can be found on Amazon
If I can be of service to you in going up and learning how to live in joy and peace, please get in touch.
It's amazing how a simple, conscious reminder to step back from the drama and breathe into calm can open me up to perspective and possibilities. Thanks, Leslie, for helping me put yet another amazing tool in my toolbox of self-care and living a life I choose.
- Lynda Otte, Owner, LMO Solutions
Course Curriculum
Start1. Calming Crazy Brain
Start2. F.E.A.R and the Man Behind the Curtain
Start3. Forgetting Everything is All Right (5:23)
Start4. Feeling Excited and Ready
Start5. The Power of Interpretation (3:28)
Start6. Leaving the Zone of the Known (7:13)
Start7. You Will be Tested (6:14)
Start8. Where You Are Powerful
Start9. Breathe into Peace (5:00)
Start10. What if Life is FOR You? (4:48)
I love that the lessons are short, powerful and practical.
- Kim Rager, Founder, Breath Rising
I’ve really enjoyed it. I’ve listened to it in my car and when I have down time I have enjoyed the book.
FYI: The breathing exercises are a huge help!
- Becky Powell, Pension Consultant, Capstone Financial Group Inc.